Thursday 2 January 2014

Love or Lust?

Relationships aren't always what they seem. While one sees rainbows and gummy bears, another may see lust and affairs. A friend of mine came to me for advice, saying his girlfriend has cheated on him 3 times but he just can't seem to shake her. I've come to realize that when one may feel betrayed, another may feel more in love. I understand this doesn't seem to make sense, but that's precisely the point. Love is so complicated and intricate that it sometimes doesn't make any sense at all. My advice to him, and to any readers in the same position is to let them go. When one cheats, it's because one doesn't feel/share the love anymore. Cheating is not complicated at all. When you love someone you are faithful because you couldn't imagine being with anyone else, mind, soul and body. When one cheats it's because one isn't getting what they used to get from their significant other and so they've moved onto "bigger and brighter" things, so to speak. Ladies and gents, if your significant other is cheating, it's simple. BREAK UP. There is no good explanation for cheating. And just like there is no good explanation for it, there's no good explanation for staying. Get the tears and heartache over with and get onto the "bigger and brighter."


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