Wednesday 8 January 2014

Your First Time- Girls

If you haven't already noticed from the title, this post is specifically  for the women in the audience, or the girls. Whoever you are, this is a serious topic. This is about you and your body. If you're like me, then you've been told countless time by boys, and the occasional men, that sex isn't the biggest thing... it's not that important, that you should just do it and do it with me. I'm here to tell you ladies, this is a lie. Sex wasn't made to be a thing you toss around like a piece of trash. The connection between two people in the physical state is something to be cherished. Sex's real name is Making Love. Many men and women treat it like it's just another act that you just do. To me sex means so much more... that's why I haven't done it yet. I, like many other girls, want to give myself to someone who truly loves me and doesn't ask for it or demand it but tells me that it'd be an honor and that it's my decision when it happens and that he stands by me whether we have sex or not. Sex is a privilege for you men out  there... we women already endure so many painful things, that you men wouldn't understand, and you men may have the privilege to get the one thing we women find pleasurable if we so  desire. Women, this post was made to let you know that if you don't feel comfortable in a physical situation, you have the right to say no and you shouldn't put yourself through something you don't want to put yourself through because someone makes you feel like it means nothing to you when it's quire the opposite. In my eyes, sex is something God made to be a special bond between those who are married... now sometimes I think if you're in love and you make the conscious decision to give up your virginity to the one you love then that's just as special. For those of you who disagree but still see sex as a very special thing that shouldn't be tossed around then I agree. Sex is too powerful and special to be thrown around. If you ladies are about to have your first time, make sure you're 100% sure it's the right  time and that YOU'RE READY. Don't have sex if you're unsure of your decision or if you've been given an ultimatum by a guy, like "If we don't have sex then I'm dumping you." My best friend gave her virginity to a guy she was dating and thought she loved, he told her if she didn't do that, then he'd dump her... and ladies can you guess what he did after they had sex? If you guessed that he dumped her then you're 100% right. Ladies men like that truly don't deserve you. All I can truly say to you ladies, virgins or not, make sure you're okay with your decision before you make it.... think of yourself before a man... and if you do decide that it's the right time and you're ready... remember to use protection. My sister got pregnant with my beautiful niece because she and her boyfriend weren't careful. As much as we all love our like baby girl, my sister is now forever tied to a man who treats  her like shit whether they're married or not because they share offspring. So please ladies, if you're not ready for that to happen then be smart. Talk to your doctor and find the best plan for yourself. As for me, abstinence until I'm ready.. Hope this helps ladies.


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